Dear Nioh, I have replied to you on X in the past…spoke with an Iranian on another platform yesterday and I wanted to talk to you about it privately, I have never used DM, do you have to follow me to do that? Please let me know…808 341- 1800. I am a retired therapist and daughter of holocaust survivors…we have to stop this!!! Love, carine corman@yahoo.com

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When I read your post about your neighbors in London it was as if I was hit with an electric shock…my dad was released from Drancy outside of paris during WW II, unlike his parents and brother who did not survive. Your bravery in speaking out was appreciated, because it would have been safer to remain silent. You have my appreciation and gratitude as well as that of my ancestors. I pray for your safety always…

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It is embarrassing to see you defending Israel after all knowledge and news circulating.

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Perhaps she knows what the truth is. It takes some time to really find out, but if someone really wants to know the truth they will. Also, Hamas is a designated terrorist organization who's known main tactic includes disinformation. They've honed it in.

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She’s Jewish. Her loyalty is to Jews

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Your Twitter is full cunt bigotry, eat shit and die.

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Ur retarded

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Mutah is also called pleasure marriage and seems very attractive to those who believe in sexual pleasure. It is still permitted in twelve Shia Muslims

Sigheh has proven to be a successful tourist attraction for the Muslim World. I personally know of 3 men (Egyptian) who have travelled to Iran to relieve their sexual desires.

Simply put, sigheh is religiously sanctioned prostitution. It is just one of many examples of religion legitimising barbaric acts, in order to maintain a core support base of "pious" men who are often not pious at all and need legitimacy to fulfil their desires in a sexually repressed society.

reality is, a woman who partipates in sigheh will ruin her reputation forever. it will be almost impossible for her to find a permanent relationship. the motivator for a woman in sigheh is money, the possible worst reason to marry, even temporarily. Iranian men still abide by the dualistic credo of desiring a virgin for family building and having a "slut" in the bedroom. the problem can only be solved by going much deeper into the politics of keeping women subject to discrimination. sigheh to me, is legalized prostitution, a tragic debasement of women in which

religion is used to legitimize exploitation.

For pious unmarried men who cannot resist the urge to spread their seed widely among female believers, why not develop a new sacred institution called Holy Gigolo?

Even legalised brothels using sigeh are not a bad idea as they would remove the potential for abuse, enable the provision of good healthcare, bring the sex industry that operates in the shadow of every society out in the open, provide income for sex workers and could make Iran the sex tourist hot spot of the Middle East and boost national revenue at the same time!!

Sigheh is legal according to Iranian Civil Law article 1075. Men/boys aged 15 and older and women/girls aged 13 and older can enter into such a relationship

one study estimated that there are approximately 230,000 female sex workers in Iranian urban settings. The demand for commercial sex is most prevalent in large urban centers, including the major pilgrimage sites of Qom and Mashhad. It is believed that traffickers may exploit children as young as 10.

Poverty and a worsening economy are pushing Iranian women into prostitution. An estimated 50 percent of female sex workers in Iran are married women. Traffickers often force these women into remaining prostitutes

Thousands of women are forced to wear the hijab against their will. We know that hundreds of women have been arrested and many are in prison for not wearing their hijab or wearing it “incorrectly.” According to Iranian Civil Law, Article 638, a woman can be sentenced to prison for 10 days to two months or have to pay a fine merely for being seen in public with “bad hijab” (visible strands of hair, prohibited cloth design or color, etc.).

A higher penalty is reserved for women who wear no hijab in public. According to Iranian Civil Law, Article 134, their sentence is 15 years in prison. One 22-year-old Iranian woman named Saba Kurde Afshari was arrested and sentenced to prison for 24 years for not wearing her hijab while on a sidewalk.

The irony is that many who claim to defend the honor and modesty of women by imposing the hijab also celebrate sigheh for “preventing prostitution” and creating a “safe” community. Women in Iran are not equal citizens in the streets and in the bedroom. It is time to stamp out gender-based discrimination and exploitation, especially when justified by religious principles.

Some 5,000 babies left on the streets across the country in the past ten days signal a social catastrophe in Iran. Mohammad Reza Mahboubfar, an expert and researcher in development planning and social harms, revealed the shocking statistics on thousands of abandoned babies in an interview with state media. (The state-run Ruydad24.com, May 28, 2022)

5,000 babies abandoned in the streets in 10 days means that 500 newborns are left unattended on the street every day!

Mahboubfar also acknowledged that typically between 2,000 and 2,500 fetuses and infants are aborted or abandoned on the streets daily in Iran.

According to the Health Ministry, thousands of fetuses die in Iran as they are legally or illegally aborted every day. To this official statistic must be added the unofficial and unregistered statistics of abortions and the thousands of babies abandoned on the streets.

Before enacting this law, health centers and social work centers provided contraceptive items free of charge to the needy and destitute people, such as homeless men and women🤯😷🤮. The most important consequence of the Population Growth Plan has been the increase in abortion in Iran.

The shocking tragedy of 5,000 babies left on the streets in just ten days happens while the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called for an increase in the country’s population in his latest directive.

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Hello - I saw your tweet about the decline of names associated with Shia Islam. What is your source? I'm working on a long think piece on this topic and want to make sure I've got strong sourcing.

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This girl doesn’t have sources. Only propaganda and brainwashing.

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I'm sure you've been useful to them.

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The Arab Muslims, under the leadership of Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, defeated the Persians and vanquished the Persian King Khosrow. They were subsequently introduced to Islam

The reason for Persian racism and hatred against Arabs is because the Arabs destroyed and ended the Persian Empir

Unofficial data also suggests Iran's sex workers are getting younger. Statistics from various NGOs suggest that in 2016 girls as young as 12 were involved in prostitution.

Aftab Society, an NGO dedicated to treatment of drug-addicted women in Iran, said in 2019 that there could be almost 10,000 female sex workers in the capital, roughly 35% of whom were married.

According to Amir Mahmoud Harrichi, a professor of social welfare at Tehran University, the figure for the number of female sex workers in Tehran could be twice as high.

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